• Information about the benefits of a Parenting Plan
  • Mediating the drawing-up of a parenting plan that will be in the best interest of the child(children) and will be a practical guide for the parents
  • Assisting parents in drawing up the Parenting Plan to be presented at court
  • Referring children for a “Voice of the child” interview as required by most courts
  • Revisiting and altering Parenting Plans as needs and situations change
  • Assistance about visitation rights to children where addictions are involved


About Mediation

The mediator remains totally impartial and does not represent any/either party, but assists parties to reach a settlement without making decisions for them. Mediation is a method preferred by Courts (Brownlee v Brownlee). The process takes 2 - 3 weeks and therefore the collateral costs on both parents and children is much smaller.